Forest Rain Studios Services Overview

Website Hosting
Our servers are strategically located at Rackspace, one of the premier telecom hubs in the nation. They are built around high-end, name-brand equipment, and must pass our rigorous testing. We do everything humanly possible to maximize performance, uptime, and security. For $15/month for most websites, your site will have a home on the Internet and you'll have your own email addresses and web-based email access.

Web Design
We'll help you determine the style, color and design that suits your goal. It may be a custom design, a stylish template or Word Press, that includes a handy administrator access that you can update if you like. Peruse our template designs at

Social Media
We will set up and manage your social media presence to tap into the power of social media to expand your online footprint and directly engage with those you're trying to reach with your website, whether Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Google Plus+, Instragram or many more.

Search engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is still one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your site; however, the rules of the game have changed significantly. We stay on top of all the latest search algorithm updates to make sure that your website is highly optimized, while still adhering to Google's and Bing's search algorithms.